Ducks and Chestnut Hills

Ducks and Chestnut Hills

Welcome to our first post - we’ve spent a lot of time at playgrounds in Arlington, VA and decided to actually visit one we had never been to before at Chestnut Hills Park. We started our morning with breakfast at Duck Donuts.


  1. My kids are strange and don’t like actually eating donuts, but they love the different toppings and colors that you can get.

  2. I love the branding of Duck Donuts - who doesn’t love rubber duckies and hundreds of combinations?

  3. I think my son could have spent another eight hours in the sandbox.

  4. I’m amazed at how many kid-sized vehicles were left for others to enjoy.

  5. The slides are a ton of fun at this playground.

  6. There are a lot of nicely shaded benches for parents still in the process of drinking coffee.

  7. Don’t give up too easily on opening the gates to the park - they are tricky.

5-12 Year Old Playground

Duck Donuts, Arlington, VA

  • Coffee: dark and medium roast

  • Food: donuts, many toppings

  • Seating: outdoor only (4 round tables with umbrellas)

  • Restroom: 1 unisex, no changing table

  • Child Patience Level: potentially low when busy - all donuts are custom-made!

  • Parking: strip mall

The Playtime

Chestnut Hills Park, Arlington, VA

  • Distance from Coffee: 2 minutes, 0.4 miles

  • Parent Rating: 5 Stars

  • 2-Year Old Rating: 5 Stars

  • 8-Year Old Rating: 5 Stars

  • Age 2-5 Equipment: KOMPAN Custom

  • Age 5-12 Equipment: Playworld Playmaker

  • Shade: many mature trees, more at 2-5 year old playground

  • Seating: benches and picnic tables, park is fenced

  • Special features: large sandbox with water feature

  • Play surface: engineered rubber

  • Restroom: permanent port a potty structure

  • Parking: street only

  • Public transit: bus

Coffee Springs and Lakeside Fun

Coffee Springs and Lakeside Fun